Below are links for online sources for three topics important to biological control. I have vetted the links, they are useful and valid sources of information.
Know the Rules of Ecology
Websites The website of Alexei Sharov:
Basic (very) Introduction to Ecology:
An interesting aspect of the larger ecological concept of symbiosis. Mutualism has an important role to play in how well biological control works for homopterous insects that produce honeydew. |
Know How to Identify the Organisms
Key to Hymenoptera:
UC IPM Natural Enemies Guide - California:
Interactive Insect ID Key:
Key to Heteroptera - PDF:
Key to Diptera Families from Britain (still useful in CA):
Know How to Validate Resources and Actions
UC IPM is an invaluable resource for beginners as well as seasoned practitioners:
Koppert, Inc. is an excellent company that provides substantial information for end users to ensure product quality and performance: